Here is what teachers say about Brain Gym®:
“When my kids are having difficulty with writing, they now automatically do the Lazy 8! The results are immediate as the kids are then able to accomplish their writing with such great ease.” (3rd grade teacher)
“Our spelling test grades were awesome because out of an EIP class of 15 students, 2 did not make 100. After Brain Gym students worked in groups the best I have seen all year. They were not loud or rude to each other, and they were really cooperating with each other. They made the best projects this year and even a couple of other teachers saw their posters and asked me what I did to my children.” (EIP teacher)
“I was amazed at the CRCT results of my ESOL 8th grade students. A few of them passed all sections of the CRCT after being in the US only 7 months. This was the result of the daily Brain Gym repatterning.” (T. Matthews, ESOL middle school teacher)
Here is what past participants of this workshop said:
I am amazed at what I learned in this class. Not only did I learn ways to help my child learn with less stress, but I also learned skills that I can take back to my work place that help me improve my organization and focus. Thank you, thank you so much for this life-changing information. It was the best workshop I have ever attended! (C.S., parent)
“ Your class was amazing not only for what I can take back to my school and my students, but for what it has done for me. Every teacher should take this course to enhance their teaching and their self-awareness!” (S. B., Gifted teacher)
“Nita. You are so incredible. I love your energy. (I am sure Brain Gym has a lot to do with that). I love your passion you have for others. You inspire me. The Brain Gym class has given me a totally new outlook on life and living. Thank you Nita for being who you are.” (V. R., PE teacher)
“I have had two weeks with my children and I have been faithful to Brain Gym. I have done pace and re-patterned my children each day and I am amazed. They love it and seem to listen well. One little boy has tremendous behavior problems and I have ZERO problems with him. They love the moves and are well behaved. I had a grandmother tell me today that her son loves to come to school this year and never grumbles. I dreaded my first Math test but only 2 of my 41 students failed the test. I used the test taking movements before the test.” (P.W., Elementary School teacher).
“Just wanted to tell you how excited I am about Brain Gym! My students have done so well. I have one little boy (Autistic) who had melt downs everyday last year and sometimes twice a day. It has now been six days since he has had a meltdown!!!! He is happier and you can visually see his face and body relax when he goes into a Pretzel/Hookup. For all of the students, they are using it now as strategies for themselves. We all use PACE before any new lesson. When they are tired of listening I see them turn on their Thinking Caps. One little girl gets easily distracted (Autistic) and she just cannot sit still so she is continually asking, ‘Can I do some Brain Gym?’ She does and comes back and is more attentive.” (K.S., Special Ed. teacher)
“My students are enjoying Brain Gym. I have been surprised at the way they spontaneously do whichever exercise they “need”. I taught them all the exercises the first couple of weeks of school and we do particular ones each day (PACE, etc) but when I say, “look at the poster and do whichever one feels good to you” it amazes me how the little boys with the tight leg muscles who always have their legs wrapped around their chair legs, will immediately start doing calf pumps or foot flexes. The ones who cannot sit in their chairs start doing the rocker. We do it all throughout the day every day and I credit Brain Gym with my class’s ability to sit, attend, and learn.” (Julie F.)
“Let me begin by saying the Brain Gym classes were definitely the best classes for understanding my students and finding individual ways to help them perform to their best ability! This type of training should be in every college level education program!” (P.E. teacher)