​​Congrats on signing up for The Essential Cold Calling Checklist! 

Your checklist is on its way and should be in your inbox in the next 3-5 minutes.

While you're waiting, check out this brief video about a cool brain technique that ​eliminates your ​fear of cold calling in 15 minutes or less.


Sign up for our exclusive Tools for Transformation Beta program $297 (Just $97)

​As appeared in...

Delete Your Fear of Sale​​​​s Calls with our Brain Tool

Does the following sound like you?

You walk into your office each morning determined to make a sale.

You sit down at your desk with your script, which you’ve memorized to perfection, at your side. And your list of prospects and their numbers ready.

Yet, you just sit there gripped by fear staring at your phone?​

​So you quickly find yourself doing anything BUT calling new prospects.

It’s okay, it’s not your fault.

It’s so easy to put off prospecting and making cold calls…

In fact, in this digital age with social media and e-mail growing in popularity, there’s a BIG myth floating around that’s probably hurting you… that nobody likes to talk on the phone anymore.

But here’s the thing:

Does the following sound like you?

You walk into your office each morning determined to make a sale.

You sit down at your desk with your script, which you’ve memorized to perfection, at your side.
And your list of prospects and their numbers ready.

Yet, you just sit there gripped by fear staring at your phone?

Calling new prospects on the phone is the quickest and most direct way to grow your business.

Just think about it… there’s no faster path to getting new customers than picking the phone to set up an appointment or make a sale.

Social media and e-mail are great tools, but they’re aren’t fast enough or direct enough. Plus, they lack personal touch.

If you can’t overcome your reluctance to make sales calls you miss out on a TON of business.

Now, you’ve probably met some people who are really good at making sales calls... maybe some of them are in your own company.

When you get to know them, you might think, “How the HECK do they do so well? They’re not any smarter than me!!”

And you’re right. They’re not any smarter than you, and they probably don’t have any special talent that you don’t have.

The biggest difference between you and them is that their Emotional Brain is programmed to be relaxed and confident...

They don’t have any beliefs that make them uncomfortable when they’re calling new prospects.

Up until now, there just wasn’t a way to give your brain the same “success programming” for making sales calls...

But there’s finally a better way!

We’ve just released a new program called Tools for Transformation that shows you how to re-program your Emotional Brain… so you’re relaxed and confident when you call.

Once you know how to use it, this “brain tool” can delete any feelings of fear, failure and rejection in 15 minutes or less.

For a limited time, we’re opening enrollment to this new program to a small beta group. Beta members will get 67% off the full price.

How it Works - The Science Behind This Brain Tool

Brain scientists have discovered that we all have a “fire alarm” or “smoke detector” in your brain.

Anytime it feels threatened, this smoke detector freaks out and sends out alarm signals through your brain and body.

That’s why making sales calls is so uncomfortable for you. When you’re feeling nervous about calling, or you feel that tension in your body, it’s because your Threat Response has been triggered.

This part of your brain triggers your negative beliefs:

“They’re going to reject me and not like me.”

“I’m going to screw it up and lose this opportunity.”

“I don’t know enough to be successful…”

Yadda, yadda, yadda…

It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve done it before, it still freaks out and makes you feel uncomfortable.  

In fact, we’ve met people who have been making cold calls for over 8 years who STILL feel hesitant to pick up the phone.

Most other approaches to changing these limiting beliefs don’t work because they don’t calm this part of your brain. They don’t turn off the fire alarm.  

That’s what Tools for Transformation does.

You’ll learn techniques for identifying the beliefs that are causing your Threat Response to get triggered.

Then we’ll show you how to use a simple brain tool for turning off your alarm bell… so you can easily pick up the phone and call new prospects.

1. Your fire alarm goes off

2. Turn it off with this brain tool

3. Call new prospects with ease

What you'll get:

When you sign up for the Tools for Transformation video training, you’re going to get instant access to five modules that show you how to quickly transform ANY feelings that are keeping you stuck.  

Module 1:
Intro + Roadmap

  • You’ll learn about the “Palace of Possibilities” so you can feel excited about your potential again

  • We explain the most common lies that keep you feeling bad about yourself and stuck where you are.

  • You'll get the roadmap for the training so you know exactly how to use it to get the best results. 

Module 2:
Core Concepts

  • Discover the key brain facts you need to understand so you can transform ANY negative feelings (Things like the "Emotional Brain", "Fear Triggering", the "Sunglasses metaphor", etc.)

  • You'll learn about the Threat Response in your brain (if you don't know how to turn this sucker off, you'll stay stuck at a low level of performance forever.) 

  • You'll understand why your mental "Elephant" is responsible for all your self-sabotage (anytime you shoot yourself in the foot, this guy's the problem...)

Module 3:

  • We give you 5 simple tools for discovering the beliefs that are holding you back (this is so important because you can't fight an enemy that you can't see!) 

  • You'll learn our secret weapon "Muscle Checking" - a simple way of figuring out the exact words that match your negative feelings

  • Plus, you'll get 3 tips for using what psychologists call "Limbic Language" so you can shift your beliefs even faster

Module 4: 

  • You'll learn the steps to get rid of any negative feelings in just 12 min - even strong feelings like fear and self-doubt

  • Without knowing how to use this simple brain tool, you'll never change the feelings that are keeping you stuck and living small

  • Plus, we reveal the little-known brain research that shows how to immediately delete negative beliefs (this research is really helpful if you have any crippling doubts about yourself)

Module 5: 

  • Video 1: The Transformation Strategy - Learn the same strategy Josh used to go from feeling afraid of making sales calls to feeling calm and relaxed.

  • Video 2: Daily Motivation Boost - This is a 5-minute video you can watch daily to stay excited and motivated about cold calling, even when you're hearing lots of No's.

  • Video 3: The Detachment Technique - A process for quickly shifting your mind into a relaxed, detached state so you can enjoy cold calling much more. 

We finish the Application Module with 10-minute videos where we literally walk you through changing the most common beliefs that keep people from being successful at sales.

If you have any of these beliefs, just watch and follow along to delete them forever.

In these videos, we’ll help you transform beliefs like:

  • "I'm afraid I'll be rejected..." 

  • "I don't want to bother them..." 

  • "I hate using the phone..."
  • "I don't know enough to call..." 
  • Plus many others!

Plus, when you sign up today you'll get these awesome bonuses

Bonus 1: 
"Ask Us Anything" Support
($497 value)

For 6 months, you can ask us any questions you have about the training or how to shift your negative beliefs faster. 

Just send us a message via Facebook Messenger and we'll get back to you with some suggestions of things you can try.

This is like walking around with us in your back pocket! 

Bonus 2: 
The Psychology of Selling ($97 value)

Also, you’re going to get a really great bonus video called  “The Psychology of Selling,” which uncovers the top reasons why people don’t succeed in selling.

In this video, we debunk a lot of the top myths about selling, and we’ll tell you what to do instead.

This video will help you make more sales no matter what industry you’re in and no matter how much experience you have selling.

Backed by our 60-day “Love it or leave it” guarantee

If you’re still not sure this is right for you, let us tell you about our guarantee. It’s the same one we make on all of our products.

Either you LOVE our program (which we think you will), or you can just LEAVE it.

Sign up for the program, get inside the Members Area, watch the videos and apply the tools.

If you still don’t feel like this is exactly what you need to help you become ultra-confident and successful when you cold call… Then just send us an e-mail within 60 days and we’ll refund all your money, no questions asked.

So there’s literally ZERO risk for you to sign up!

Meet Your Instructors

Dr. Nita Matthews-Morgan and Josh Matthews-Morgan are the founders of Learn Your Brain. They are a unique mother-son team who use brain science and other research-based tools to help people develop the mental habits of success.

They are the authors of the book Deliver: How to Perform Your Best When it Counts the Most, and the creators of the Excelerate Training program. This cutting-edge training program uses tools from psychology and neuroscience to help entrepreneurs and other high performers achieve greater levels of productivity, success and joy.

Josh and Nita’s work has been featured in the Advanced Selling Podcast, Entrepreneur Hour, Thriveology, and the Success Summit.

What Actual Clients Say About Josh and Nita

Still wondering if Tools for Transformation is for you?

This checklist should help...

  • If you need to make more sales calls to grow your business, then YES...

  • If you lack confidence in your ability to sell over the phone, then YES...

  • If you're willing to spend a little time, energy, and money learning a tool that will help you for life, then YES...
  • If you're not serious about your personal growth and not totally committed to your goals, then NO...

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: What if I don’t like the training. Is there a guarantee?

ANSWER: Yep…this training is backed by a 60-day, no-questions-asked guarantee.

In other words, if you aren’t happy for any reason, just let us know and we’ll give you your money back. We obviously don’t think it’ll come to that, but if you're even the least bit worried if this will work for you, then you can relax about it.

It’s an easy decision: You either get the results you want or you get your money back. It’s as simple as that!

QUESTION: When do I get access to the training?

ANSWER: You’ll get instant access to the training when you sign up on this page. As soon as you confirm your order, we’ll send you an e-mail with the login information so you can get started right away.

QUESTION: Will this brain tool work for me?

Definitely! We’ve never met a person who it didn’t work for. We include a whole section on “Troubleshooting” different issues you have with applying this tool to your own beliefs.

Plus, you have support from us for 6 months so we can help you get the results you want.

QUESTION: Can I watch the training on my smart phone or tablet?

ANSWER: Absolutely! Our members area is mobile-friendly, so you can follow along on any device.

Any other questions?


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