Carol Dweck is a Stanford psychologist and the author of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. In her book, she identifies two different types of basic mindsets that have a strong influence on whether you’ll be successful or not.
Listen to this brief audio excerpt (only 3:40) from our Mindset Mastery Bootcamp audio program and then read the brief descriptions of these two different mindsets.
Then ask yourself: Which basic mindset do you have—fixed or growth?
Fixed Mindset
People with a fixed mindset believe the following things:
- Their intelligence and talent levels are fixed, they can never fundamentally improve them
- They have to be immediately good at doing new things
- Success is about proving themselves, so they have to be perfect all the time
- Failure is a huge setback
Growth Mindset
People with the Growth Mindset believe the following things:
- They can change their abilities and develop themselves over time
- Challenge and struggle are great things, they give them an opportunity to grow
- They don’t expect to be perfect at something or even good at a new skill the first time they do it
- Failure is the path to finding success
Which mindset do you have—growth or fixed?
I read this article to my 11 year old daughter over lunch today, we both agree that we have growth mindsets. Thanks for keeping it simple!